click to view the presentation PDF APRIL 29 UPDATE this meeting will be at scope in Warren due to weather NOT the planned outdoors at Mosquito Paul WA3PZQ will be giving a talk on broadband hamnet at our May 2nd meeting at Scope in Warren. Broadband Hamnet is Ham communications using WiFi equipment. The public 2.4GHz WiFi channels 1-6 are shared with Hams. The original Hamnet system uses 2.4GHz Linksys WiFi routers with customized software. The software allows these routers to form a Ham Radio network. These routers will automatically connect to each other when within RF range. The routers are assigned a Ham's call sign and a suffix (WA3PZQ-01, W8VTD-01, etc.) by the owner. An individual router is called a Node and a group of connected routers forms a Mesh Network. The Mesh network can transfer information between Nodes such as digitized voice and video, files, etc. It is similar in many ways to the internet but is FCC restricted to Ham Part-97 regulations. Some possible uses are emergency communications, repeater control and linking and ATV (Ham TV) to name a few. Hamnet has since been expanded to also utilize the 900 MHz Ham Band and above and other popular WiFi gear. For more information visit the Hamnet website.
Astronaut Dr. Ronald A. Parise
Pictures and link for Astronaut Dr. Ronald Parise Historic Marker Dedication.
Please see the link below from the dedication.